Thursday, August 5, 2010

Two Recent Endorsements for Southerland

Saw a shocking announcement today (insert sarcasm here)...Steve Southerland, Republican candidate for FL-02, received an endorsement from the House Conservatives Fund (HCF), a federal PAC with two primary goals: (1) regain the Republican majority in Congress and (2) elect (and re-elect) "principled conservatives." 

I let my fingers do the walking over to the HCF website ( and started reading...

Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-NC) is the Honorary Chair of this group and he's received awards from various organizations for his conservative stands, including the Family Research Council (oh yes, the same group co-founded by our own George "Rentboy" Rekers).  Rep. McHenry also reportedly shares the most conservative voting record on traditional family values.  You know what that means, right?  Complete disregard for a woman's right to reproductive freedom, not to mention rejection of any family unit that doesn't fit their definition of traditional.  Furthermore, they blast the Democratic-led Congress for trying to "ram cap and trade" down their throats and blame them for the deficit.

The beauty of doing this blog is that I get to share what I find with you and ask questions to my heart's content and believe me - I have questions!  For example...

I'm sorry, I had to pause for a moment to come back down from the ceiling so I could type without using all CAPS and too much punctuation lol...ok, I think I'm good now.   Where was I?
Oh yes, for example...WASN'T IT THE REPUBLICANS CAMPAIGNING ON CAP AND TRADE IN 2008????  Sorry, I thought I was ok, but it slipped out.  I am so frustrated with people who say one thing all over the place and then in the face of countless hours of having said these things on video they say "what?  I never said that."  Seriously, it's unbelievable. 

And as for the general idea of fiscal conservatism and a deficit out of control.  Really I can't believe I have to say this again, but come on!  We HAD a budget surplus when Clinton left office.  We HAVE a fiscal conservative in office now in the form of Rep. Allen Boyd.  All you have to do is take a real look at his record to see that.  I may not agree with him on everything, but I actually consider myself to be fiscally conservative and I know he is as well.  I know that might be upsetting for some people...can you BE progressive and fiscally conservative at the same time?  Yes you can!

Mr. Southerland also received an endorsement this week from Rep. Jeff Miller, Republican Rep from FL-01.  I didn't know much about him until I started exploring his website tonight as well.  Guess what I found?  Rep. Miller received the same award (the "True Blue") from the Family Research Council in 2009.  What an amazing coincidence!  (yes, insert some more sarcasm...)

Look, I don't have a problem with people being fiscal conservatives and I don't have a problem with people having values, in fact I think values are a great thing to have, but I wish certain folks out there would get a grip on the concept that values are personal.  And there isn't just one definition of a traditional value.  Ok, so tonight might have been a little more rant than education, but oh well...I feel a little better :-)

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