Friday, August 20, 2010

Southerland Speaks in Support of Mosque

I've spent a bit of time in the past few weeks asking "Who Is Steve Southerland?"  Some of what I've found has been confusing at best, but I'm surprised and happy to let you know that someone in the Florida Congressional District 2 Republican Primary has some sense when it comes to building the mosque near Ground Zero.  Last night at a forum in Bay County, Steve Southerland expressed his support for building the mosque. Glad to see Southerland come out in support, especially following Ron McNeil’s comments, which I wrote about yesterday.

In case you missed it here’s the McNeil position:
“I’m totally against it. If I had my way, it would pretty much be over my dead body,” said Ron McNeil, a candidate for the U.S. House District 2 seat, who was referring to a controversial plan to build an Islamic center and mosque near Ground Zero in New York City. “That religion is against everything America stands for. If we have to let them build it, make them build it nine stories underground, so we can walk above it as citizens and Christians.”

You can view Southerland’s comments in the video below:

Looks like Southerland is the only Republican in the race who supports the mosque. Finally some tolerance and support from a Republican candidate on this issue. Good job Steve Southerland!


  1. This is good to see. I want a Democrat to win, personally, but Southerland is the presumptive nominee here and it is important voices of tolerance prevail within the Republican Party.

  2. The law supports the building of a Mosque.... Morally it is wrong... Let them build it somewhere else...

  3. I'm wondering exactly who gets to decide what is morally right or wrong for others? Aren't morals more personal? Since we don't even live in NYC it's amazing to me that this is even a political debate in the Panhandle of FL.
