Ok, first I'd like to say Congrats to Congressman Boyd on his endorsement by the Chamber of Commerce. Guess someone agreed with me that you are NOT anti-business ;-) I'm betting there are a lot of voters in District 2 who know that as well.
Second, anyone else really embarrassed to be from FL right now with the nut in G-ville talking about Quaran burning, etc...? First he's going to burn them on 9/11, then he's not because supposedly the Imam in NYC has agreed to move the mosque and when that proved to be untrue he made another announcement that he is "praying" over when to do it...yep, that's right up with the trailer park news out of Milton, FL I heard on the radio this morning. Apparently a couple of days ago a guy really ticked off his wife by letting her know how attractive he found J-Lo and a huge fight ensued. The next morning she set his boat, go-kart, and jacuzzi on fire...yeah, that's some real news right there. (add twang at will...)
Next, why do some conservative bloggers think posting a particular candidate's press releases constitutes a blog post? I mean, it's not hard to figure out which way I lean, but seriously...
And is it just me or is Steve Southerland starting to look like he wants to blow a gasket at any time? Just sayin'...
Oh yeah, and where are Paul McKain and Mrs. Berryhill hanging out these days? Has anyone laid eyes on them since the Primary? Helllooooooo? Wonder if those two will be attending the next Big Bend Environmental Forum in October? After the first one I have to say I really hope they do and I hope they bring Steve Southerland along too, but I betcha he'll be too busy to bother with an environmental forum...bets?
And finally, coming up soon - what are the main issues so far in the Boyd-Southerland battle for FL's 2nd and an interview with Leon County Commissioner-Elect, Kristin Dozier!
I can't wait to read about the main issues! So far all you write is sarcasm.