Thursday, August 19, 2010

McNeil and the Mosque - FL CD 2

By now people all over Florida have heard about Ron McNeil's (McNeil) comments about the proposed mosque near Ground Zero in NYC.  McNeil is one of several Republicans vying for a chance to run against Rep. Allen Boyd or Sen. Al Lawson in November.  Fortunately, we only have to wait until Tuesday to see who that lucky person will be, but since he's still a candidate for a few more days, let's talk for a minute about McNeil's comments.

The following is McNeil's Mission Statement taken directly from his campaign website (my emphasis):

I intend to lead the transformation of the American Republic back to the US Constitution and Bill of Rights in order to promote Free Enterprise, to require the Federal Government to be limited in size and power, and to make it function under balanced budget limitations.  Individual freedom and liberty must be preserved, while personal responsibility is expected from every citizen. The primary goal is to return to being the People’s Government instead of the Government’s people.

Now, with that in mind, consider the comments he made yesterday in response to questions about the proposed mosque near Ground Zero in NYC:
  • "I'm totally against it. If I had my way it'd be pretty much over my dead body to build a mosque there. The Muslims will have that place to gloat about for years if they get their way and it was the Muslim religion that caused the problems we had on 911. It was extremist. It probably didn't represent their exact religion but the very fact they want to build something right there in the shadows of ground zero is ridiculous,"
  • “That religion is against everything America stands for. If we have to let them build it, make them build it nine stories underground, so we can walk above it as citizens and Christians.”
  • “This religion’s plan is to destroy our way of life.” 
  • “It’s our place as Christians to stand up for the word of God and what the Bible says.”
Mr. McNeil - I'd like to introduce you to the 1st Amendment of that document you mentioned in your mission statement - you know, the Bill of Rights?  You claim to want to take America back to the Bill of Rights, whatever that means, and yet your statements yesterday are in direct conflict with that supposed mission.  Here, just so you know what I'm talking about, is the text of the 1st Amendment:

First Amendment – Establishment Clause, Free Exercise Clause; freedom of speech, of the press, and of assembly; right to petition - Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

First of all, even if you were to win your primary and then win the general election, which is highly unlikely (let's be honest), you still would not have a say over whether a mosque could be built a few blocks away from Ground Zero. 

Did you know there is already another mosque five blocks from there?  Did you know there is no proof whatsoever that those wanting to build have any ties to extremist Muslims, such as the ones who took part in 9/11?  Did you know there are Muslim services held in the Pentagon?  Do you understand that there are different sects of Islam, just as there are different sects of Christians and Jews, etc.?  Do you realize there are at least 2 million Muslims (some say as many as 10 million or more) who are citizens of this country? 

Do you understand that you are running for an office which, if elected to, would have you representing people of numerous religious faiths and ethnic backgrounds?  No, I don't think you do.  I don't think you have any concept of what you're talking about.  The students asking you the questions and challenging you had far more insight than you appear to have. 

So, here's a thought.  Until you're ready to accept and grasp the fact that the district you want to represent is not fully comprised of lilly white Christians, I suggest you go back to your ranch and oh, I don't know...jump on your round trampoline because you are sure not ready for this. 


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